
How To Make iPhone Talk And Text Only?

How To Make iPhone Talk And Text Only
Written by Wesley Bates

If you do not want to waste your time on the iPhone by going to different social media apps, and solely want to use it for talking and texting only, there is a way.

Most parents also do not want their underage children to use iPhones except for calling and texting so they do not get distracted. There are some ways to make the iPhone talk and text only.

Restricting iPhone Usage to Only Talk and Text

There are some ways that can help you use an iPhone for only talking and texting.

1- Delete All the Apps

The best way to make an iPhone a device for communicating through texts and calls only is by deleting all social media apps from it. As iMessage and Phone apps are already installed in an iPhone by default, they will not get deleted and you wouldn’t get worried about using iPhone for other purposes.

2- Set Guided Access

The iPhone has a feature that only gives access to certain apps and puts a password on other apps. If you want to use your iPhone but only for talk and text, set the guided access on apps other than messages and phone. To set the guided access:

  • Open the Settings on your iPhone and click on Accessibility.
Open the Settings on your iPhone and click on Accessibility.
  • In the Accessibility menu, click on Guided Access.
In the Accessibility menu, click on Guided Access.
  • Turn on the Guided Access by clicking on the toggle.
Turn on the Guided Access by clicking on the toggle.
  • Once guided access is turned on, set up a password.
Once guided access is turned on, set up a password.
  • Make sure that the password isn’t the same as the iPhone password.
  • To turn on the guided access to two apps(phone and imessage), open the apps.
  • Click on the home button three times, until a menu appears.
Once guided access is turned on, set up a password.
  • Now, your iPhone will be restricted to only the app you have turned on guided access for while all the other apps will require a password.

Other Ways to Make iPhone Talk and Text Only

There are no other good ways by which you can only use an iPhone for talk and text only. If you really do not want yourself or your child to use an iPhone for other purposes, it is best to have a basic phone in which there are just options of talk and text only.

About the author

Wesley Bates

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