How To Take Good Concert Photos With An iPhone?

How To Take Good Concert Photos With An iPhone

Whenever you go to a concert, it is important that you take good photos for memories. But sometimes, the lighting in concert venues isn’t favorable for taking good pictures. If you have an iPhone, you can take some good concert photos by using some tricks.

Tips for Taking Concert Photos on iPhone

There are some tips that can help you in concert photography by using your iPhone. 

1- Try to be Closer to the Main Stage

Try to be Closer to the Main Stage

Getting closer to the stage is hard if you are in big concert venues like stadiums but if the venue is small, try to get closer to the stage. When you are far from the stage, zooming in won’t help that much.

The iPhone does have a zoom in feature, but it doesn’t make the picture clearer. When you get close to the stage, you can capture the artist completely in his or her element and this will make people appreciate your photography more.

2- Pay Attention to the Mood of the Concert

Pay Attention to the Mood of the Concert

If you are far from the stage and are not able to take pictures of the artist, focus on the crowd around you. Your concert picture from an iPhone should capture the environment or mood of the concert.

Try taking pictures of the crowd dancing, singing and enjoying themselves. Many concerts have lighting rings that you can use to make your pictures more vibey. 

3- Use Burst Mode on iPhone

Use Burst Mode on iPhone

The iPhone camera has a feature called ‘Burst Mode’, that lets you take multiple pictures in one shot.

If you are at a concert where the artist is full of energy and moving a lot, use burst mode as it will capture all the movements and there will be a higher chance of you getting a good concert picture on an iPhone.

4- Don’t Use Flash on iPhone

Concerts already have too much flash going on so turning on flash mode on your iPhone will result in no good picture.

Even though the lighting in concert venues are generally low, turning on flash will not light up the stage. Make sure to turn off your flash on your iPhone if you want some good concert pictures.

5- Use Black and White Filter

If you feel that the pictures you have taken of concerts on your iPhone are too saturated or there is too much exposure, use a black and white filter.

Not only will the pictures look better and cool in the B & W filter, the colors on the picture will become soft too.


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